MCC is closed today, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, due to anticipated weather conditions. In-person classes, events and activities are canceled. Online classes will continue as usual and are not impacted by the closure.
MCC will reopen tomorrow at 6:00 a.m.

Non-Traditional Ways to Take Math Courses

Alternatives to the traditional

The Mathematics Department offers several alternatives to the traditional classroom setting, including

  • online classes (no face-to-face class meetings),
  • hybrid classes (one face-to-face meeting per week),
  • COMPUTR classes that meet in a mediated classroom,
  • and Flex-Paced classes.

SUNY Learning Network classes (online classes)

Online courses offer the opportunity to attend classes and complete your work at your own convenience any time and any place using the internet. In an online course the instructor and students are connected to each other through a computer network. There are no face-to-face meetings. Please contact the instructor for information.

Hybrid classes

Hybrid courses combine face-to-face classroom instruction with online learning activities. You will attend one class on campus for one fifty- or eighty-minute session per week and then complete additional coursework online.

COMPUTR classes

Inclasses designated by COMPUTR on the schedule, each student is the center of instruction. The instructor serves as a teacher/tutor/mentor/coach/advisor/facilitator of instruction who works with individuals, small groups, and sometimes the entire class. These classes are held in the Mathematics Department’s mediated classroom (11-202), a room housing a lecture area as well as 30 computer stations. Students are expected to spend several hours each week outside of class working online using MyMathLab for assignments and quizzes.

Flex-Paced Classes

A mathematics course designated as “flex-paced” is a self-directed course in which learning material is delivered via computer using online software with videos and interactive assignments. Students are required to attend class, complete a certain number of modules, and take proctored exams throughout the semester. Instructors are available to work one-on-one with students, helping them at their point of need. This type of course is the perfect option for students who prefer “as needed” student-instructor attention and for students who work well independently and at a different pace than others. Students can move quickly through material they already know and slow down for material that they find more difficult. Students will need to have computer – either a Mac or a PC – and internet access before and/or after class hours to work on assignments. MCC is equipped with several computer labs available for student use.